Saturday, February 8, 2014

To my dear and faithful followers of this blog and our family's story:  Thank you for your support and love. We have received many blessings over this last week from you all--thank you.  And thank you for praying for Kev and our family.

Here is the chain of events that lead up to this point:
Kev was about half way through the Pomalidamide chemo regimen when we received a phone call that his bilirubin (liver enzyme) was elevated, and we needed to immediately stop the chemo.  All myeloma drugs use the liver in which to metabolize, so we were hoping that once we stopped it, his bilirubin would go down.  It did not.  Instead, it began to rise very quickly, making it suddenly a very serious issue.  At first we weren't sure why his liver was becoming sick, but a few tests was all it took to deduce that it was disease progression in the liver.
Within one week we transitioned from a treatment mode to a hospice mode.  Those transition days were devastating for the family as we tried to process that the cancer fight was now over and we now needed to proceed with an entirely different mindset.

Our oncologist felt that Kev had "weeks," but we really don't know how long....could me more, could be less.  Every day Kev becomes a little weaker and sleeps a little more.  The hospice doctor's first priority is to make Kev as comfortable as possible and, so far, Kev seems okay.

This is a very personal and intimate time for our family and we are coming together to support each other during this time.  It is a blessing that we have this time together to mourn and grieve while Kev is still here, and to be able to share with him what he means to us.  So many families lose loved ones with words left unsaid, and we are privileged to be able to have the time for this.

Due to Kev's condition and to respect his level of comfort, we are only having family visit at this time.  If anyone would like to share something with Kev, please leave it as a comment on this page, or, if you'd like it to remain private, please email it to me at, and I'll be sure to read it to him. Many of you have already done this, and you can rest assured that he has read/heard them all so far.

This time is all about Kev and making him as comfortable and peaceful as possible.  He has earned this.  He fought the fight like a warrior, and now he will receive his reward--an eternity in paradise with Jesus Christ.

The beautiful and mysterious sovereignty of God is not something to be understood.  Of course I ask God why.  How can I not?  It seems like such nonsense for my children to lose their father in this way, and at such a young age.
But we are told to write the words of God on our hearts (Heb 10:16) for times such as these when emotions cannot be trusted.  These words become our foundation, and strong foundations cannot be destroyed.  It will will remain for something new to be built atop it.  Something beautiful that will glorify God.

I look ahead at my life without Kevin and I start to panic.  When I see a picture of Kev from "before" I feel an overwhelming pang of loss that I just cannot put words's like my insides are fracturing.

But when I look at him now, I feel so blessed to be able to care for him and serve him during this time. I pray for Jesus to give me the strength to serve Kev as He would: completely and selflessly. Although this is, at times, very difficult to do.

Death is a part of life, and we will all face it one day.  I feel blessed that it's not coming as a surprise and that we will have everything prepared according to Kev's wishes.  We won't have words left unsaid.  I'm not leading this into a cliche on purpose, but let my words mean to you what they will in this area......

Many would like to help.  Here are the most helpful ways right now:
Prayer, prayer, prayer
Gift cards to grocery stores or to-go type restaurants
Frozen ingredients for recipes that I can place in the crockpot when convenient.
**Please do not call before dropping something off--just knock and leave it on the front porch if no one comes...thank you :-)

I receive many texts and emails, I am reading them all, but may not respond.  Please know that I very much appreciate your love and support.  I'm not sure how often Kev is checking his phone, but if you want to be sure he gets something, send it to me as well.

God bless,


  1. Dear Kevin, Kristin and family,

    This news is both devastating and sobering. I too am battling MM. Kevin and I had just met through a joint acquaintance. At the time he was down with phenomena and I was confident that he would rise above it and we would be able to congregate to share stories, findings, insights and support.

    The peace you appear to be finding through this process is so very inspirational. God still performs miracles even thought he is hard to see when engulfed in the darkness. He is there whenever I look into my children's eyes. He is there when I wake with my silently sleeping wife beside me. He is there when I stand in trout stream prepared to fish but can't because of beauty that surrounds me. Each day is a gift.

    Your situation is breaking my heart... you are way to young to have had the curtain of life rise on this scene. Although this scares me, please... somehow...keep us posted.

    Jon King

  2. Kristin,

    I asked my congregation to keep you in there prayers this morning (Mayflower Congregational Church).


  3. As always I will continue to pray for you Kevin and your family. I only exchanged a few words with you at your wedding, I'm a ex neighbor of Fred/ Lisa. I have followed your heartfelt journey Kev, as Kristin says your a warrior. GOD is within you Kevin and always will be, he will take care of your needs and will always be with your family. GOD BLESS you Kevin!!! :D Chris McWhorter

  4. As a dear friend of Char, Kelsey's mother, I have listened to the sorrow in her heart for this turn in Kevin's life. We have been praying for Kevin and have no words to express our deep felt sympathy. Your thoughts are beautiful and humbling. Blessings to each of you.
    Julie and John Frye

  5. Keven and Kristen not an hour goes by that I don't think of you and pray. Your strength, fight and faith are amazing. God bless you.

  6. Heard he is in the arms of our Lord and Savior. I pray you find peace only our Father will give. I promise cling to Him and He will be right there for you. Look up song If you could only see me now. I played at my dads service and it was beautiful because knowing what Kevin knows right now we would not want him to come back. He is in complete peace and no pain or recollection of pain.
    God Bless you and your family.

  7. I will be praying for you, Kev and your children. Also for your extended family as well. Comfort for Kev, strength and acceptance for you and all others. Kristin, you show remarkable strength in your words and God's love shine through. Rest assured that you will have His support.
