It has been determined by the doctors that Kev needs some additional chemo and radiation in order to make the fight more fair for the donor cells. I will bullet point recent developments and the subsequent plan.
- Kev's skin GVHD has largely resolved so the docs were concerned that perhaps he was losing chimerism (the level of donor engraftment). Test showed, however, that he is still fully engrafted, so no further donor cells will be given at this time.
- The skin plasmacytomas are not shrinking fast enough, if at all, at this time.
- An MRI showed cancer involvement in a nerve in his lower back.
- Receive an OP chemo called Pomalidomide (technically it's immunotherapy, not chemo, since it works to boost the immune system's response to cancer cells).
- Start radiation on the nerve area that shows cancer involvement.
- Remove as much cancer as possible so the donor cells have a fair shot at working.
The allo transplant is NOT deemed a failure just because we are undergoing additional treatment. Ideal circumstances would've had Kev in a complete remission prior to the allo, allowing time for engraftment and immune response if/when the cancer returns. In our case, we didn't have this, so we need to fight along with the donor cells.
We are still fighting!! There are still options on the table, including some chemo agents that haven't been released yet. Kev continues to fight for his life like a gladiator and I thank God that he has made Kev so tough and resilient. Someone without these qualities may not have made it this far.
I am weary of this battle, as I so "subtly" indicated in my poem a few weeks ago ;-). But a wise person recently reminded me of these words, spoken by Jesus: if your enemy strikes your right cheek, give him your left also (Matt 5:39).
When circumstances threaten to make me step away, I vow to make myself vulnerable again, as this is what Jesus asks of me. It is very challenging, but if I cannot live my faith out now, under these circumstances, then what am I doing here? NOW is the time that God has called us to, and NOW is the time that His strength shall be revealed.
Lord, make me a vessel of your Word. Take away my strength so others can see who truly has it. If it is your will, please heal Kevin completely and in a way that leaves no doubt of who truly holds the power. Take away the worldly sources that provide false hope, so that my hope rests solely in you.
Love you all.